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SECONDATE Royal Lip Mousse in Dreamy

IDR 114495.0


Meet Royal Lip Mousse in dreamy, a high pigmented choco mauve color mousse-textured lip cream. our Royal Lip Mousse will give you mesmerizing lips that will make you be the talk of the ball. enriched with vitamin C & E, sweet almond oil, squalane, and MAXI-LIP™ peptide, its velvety formula shall grant you soft blurred kissable lips. smells like sweet cotton candy, this lip mousse will enchant you through each swipe. Expired Date kurang dari 1 tahun, Note : pemesanan produk ini tidak dapat di return atau ditukarkan kembali ke RAENA.

Cara Menggunakan


  • Apply directly on your lips to achieve velvety lips that’s soft and plump-looking
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