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NOOLAB First Step Exfoliating Gel 25g

IDR 7500.0


First Step Exfoliating Gel merupakan Gentle exfoliating gel for sensitive skin with multiple benefits. Effectively smooths, clears up pores, and brightens your skin gently. Packed with multiple brightening and exfoliating agents that synergistically combat dark spots, dullness, acne, aging, uneven tone and textures. Formulated to solve dark spots at multiple cellular level Even out skin tone & textures gently but effectively with balanced formulation Synergistic formulation that targets multiple concern at a time

Cara Menggunakan


Sehabis cuci muka, aplikasikan secukupnya pada kulit wajah. Gunakan 2-3x seminggu pada seluruh wajah atau setiap malam pada area kulit wajah yang bermasalah. Tidak perlu dibilas. Lanjutkan dengan Dew Calm Down Gel Moisturizer atau Skin Oasis Barrier Moisturizer.
