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Too Cool For School Artclass By Rodin Shading #1 Classic

IDR 165374.0


The most popular contouring palletes sold in Korea, sold over 10 million. 1st Shading Artclass By Rodin Shading is Too Cool For School’s best-selling contouring palette for naturally contoured look with three skin-blending shade blocks in a handy compact with a mirror. Kini tersedia dalam 2 pilihan tone warna: #1 Classic : warna kecoklatan dengan tone hangat dan undertone merah dan hasil contour yang lebih natural #2 Modern: warna abu netral untuk tone warna kulit yang dingin, atau untuk hasil contour yang lebih kontras

Cara Menggunakan


  • Blend all three colors just along jaw and chin line for slimming effect, and use individual colors for darker or lighter areas, such as nose or hair lines
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